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November 16, 2023 in Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Goalsetting

Good Enough is Sometimes Great

PBCi Buzz_Good Enough is Sometimes Great_Woman looking dreamy or content at desk

                                                    The Challenge

As an entrepreneur or professional, you’ve probably encountered the roller-coaster of
precisely planning a project, only to see components of your carefully laid vision crumble
before your eyes. Or maybe, you were counting on a business expansion or expenditure that
didn’t quite come together. The event that didn’t play out as planned…the prospect who
never became a client…the list goes on. These can be some of the most frustrating
experiences, which many of us know all too well. Can embracing “satisfactory” ever mean
that you’re not “settling”? I believe it can. I believe that sometimes, there’s greatness hiding
in the situations where you feel you’ve fallen flat. What if I told you that good enough is
sometimes great?

I know what you may be thinking. Let me reassure you: this is not an ode to mediocrity, and
no, I’m not suggesting that entrepreneurs settle into rote complacency. What I’m saying is
that it’s perfectly acceptable to work with what you have and make the best out of your
current circumstances – all while striving towards your ultimate goals. You may think that all
your unfulfilled aspirations are on parade for the world to see; the truth is, no one may even
notice but you.

Your Imperfection May Be Someone Else’s Perfection

Recently, a large-scale project of ours, which my team had spent painstaking months planning
to a well-oiled machine, faced unexpected challenges right at go-time. We had to meet each
challenge with a “make-it-work” solution, just to keep everything from completely derailing.
Because it hadn’t been truly executed to its original design, we probably would’ve rated the
project outcome as a satisfactory 6 out of 10 – just “good enough”. After the initial anxiety
and disappointment dissipated, I came to a surprising realization: the project came off as a
total success to the participants involved. From the outside looking in, no one knew about all
the things that went wrong; they’d had a wildly positive experience. We’d done the absolute
best we could within our means and circumstances, and rose to meet each challenge with
gusto and creativity. In the end, our perception of mediocrity was perceived as greatness by

5 Questions to Ask Yourself in a Good-Enough-Great Situation:

1. Have you done the absolute best you can with the tools, resources, and time that you’ve
had available?

2. Were the beneficiaries of your efforts not only satisfied, but pleased with the outcome?

3. What lessons did you learn through the project/experience?

4. What would you do differently if you had the ideal tools, resources, and time at your

5. How will you ensure that next time, the project or task will better reflect your intent and
plans more closely?

If you answered “yes” to questions 1 and 2, and were honest and committed on questions 3 –
5, then congratulations! Your Good Enough was indeed Great. It’s time to stop beating
ourselves up for mistakes, and instead, use every missed opportunity to analyze, learn, and

PBCi provides business strategy and structure assistance to entrepreneurs and small
businesses. We can help on a project-bound or monthly consulting basis, to give you as much
(or as little) support as you need to see your vision through to completion. Request a Free
Consultation, and let’s see how we can make your next project execution as successful as you
envisioned it to be! Good luck, entrepreneurs! 

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