PBCi Offers Quality Training for Entrepreneurs, Groups, & Employees
We believe that “Training is Always an Investment”!
PBCi’s training programs and services are focused on professional and workforce development for you and your team.
Whether you choose from our expansive curriculum library or opt for a custom program tailored specifically for you and your team, our experienced facilitators are here to meet all your training needs. Furthermore, we ensure that every aspect of your learning journey is engaging and effective.

Seminars, Webinars, & Workshops
We specialize in delivering modern, engaging, and practical training that's designed to meet the needs of today’s professionals - while offering valuable insights and hands-on learning experiences. Best of all, our training solutions are priced to fit every budget, ensuring accessibility for most businesspeople.
Get Started
Group & Employee Training
Let PBCi bring our innovative training programs directly to your office or organization. Invest in the growth and development of your employees or team members through our engaging workshops, interactive webinars, or a fully Customized Training Suite tailored specifically for your business needs.
Get Started
PBCi K.O.D.e.® Online & Virtual Training
PBCi K.O.D.e.® (Knowledge On Demand eTraining™) online courses offer the flexibility of training whenever YOU need it. Our comprehensive catalog includes a wide range of topics designed to enhance your business and equip you with the tools to excel to the forefront of success.
Training Catelog Categories
Business Strategy, Operations, & Structure
Customer Service & Hospitality
Sales & Marketing
Team & Organizational Management
Skill Building & Development
Money & Finance
What We Do
Comprehensive Training Solutions for Modern Business Excellence
Our experienced facilitators create practical, high-quality curriculum and materials, delivering exceptional training experiences.

Seminars, Webinars, & Workshops
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Group & Employee Training
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PBCi K.O.D.e.® Online & Virtual Training
PBCi K.O.D.e.® (Knowledge On Demand eTraining™)
Praise for PBCi Training
“I am so appreciative of this course and the information that's being provided. Coming from the educational arena, has been a complete mind shift, but I am ready for the challenge and progression as a business owner.”
S. Kates-BrownSmall Business Boot Camp Participant
“PBCi’s training classes consistently present quality content, and are well-attended and interactive. Post-training surveys and assessments continue to reflect that attendees leave motivated and more prepared to take on the challenges of running a business.“
Bryan CunninghamFormer Small Business Development Officer, Entrepreneurship Center, Urban League of Broward County
“The class was extremely professional and helpful. Just from the first class, I began to look at creating my business from a different perspective.”
J. Felton"Creating Successful Operations" Training Course Participant
Urban League of Broward County

See Why Clients Love PBCi Services
Crystal MathisCEO, Press Release Marketing, LLC“I acquired vital skills that have helped my company scale, organize, hire, and deliver quality service. I am forever grateful to PBCi.”
“PBCi thinks out-of-box to bring unique creativity, knowledge and expertise, while analyzing my organizational structures and development in order to incorporate the right fit.”
Alfreda StukesCEO, Stukes Management, LLC
“From their consulting to the seminars and workshops, I've gotten everything I need to make my business a success.”
Dominic HarrisPresident, Deerealist Techs, Inc.
Virginia W. Harris, MPA, CIA, CGFMNational President, National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.“PBCi President Baker’s knowledge and expertise have assisted our national directorate in understanding ways to more effectively perform their elected/appointed duties and assignments.”