Advice that Confuses the @#$! Out of Entrepreneurs
Most entrepreneurs will seek out information and guidance on some level throughout their careers, and that's a good thing. Smart people ask for help. By now, you've probably noticed there's no shorta ...

Define Your Own Success!
You've seen them: stories of start-ups that were an overnight sensation. Articles and blogs are filled with "unicorns" and other seemingly mystifying companies that opened their doors, and went from 0 ...

Is Movement the Same as Progress?
Is Movement the same as Progress? A rocking chair is in motion, but it goes nowhere! The PBCi Team opened a recent discussion with the question: What is progress? The response was overwhelming! Natura ...

Good Enough is Sometimes Great
The Challenge As an entrepreneur or professional, you've probably encountered the roller-coaster of precisely planning a project, only to see compon ...

Just Ask: 7 Ways to Boost Your Business
You've heard the old proverb, "Ask and you will receive". Have you put this into practice recently? Often, small business owners don't invest time and effort into practicing the art of asking. The sim ...

Ask Yourself: Who’s Driving the Car?
“You are living your life and walking your path. My image or anyone else’s of you, past or present, is not relevant to your path. You are the one in control of your life, and you can’t allow perceptio ...

Eating Healthy on the Go!
When we struck out on our own as entrepreneurs, our eyes full of stardust and the hopes of fulfilling our dreams of success, we were ready for our share of challenges. Business Plan? Done. Start-up Ca ...

7 Signs You’ve Reached Success Junction
My mother used to call it "Possibility Junction". It's the theoretical and sometimes rhetorical point at which one is at a crossroads-decision. In business we find ourselves constantly making decision ...

Promote Confidence and Opportunity in Your Workplace
Professionals make the leap to become entrepreneurs for a host of reasons, and dissatisfaction with former work environments probably ranks high on the list. In your pre-entrepreneurial life, you may ...

Stretch It Out!
Many of us spend a sizable part of our workdays at our desks (as much as 7.5 hours each day, according to a 2013 survey). Researching, reporting, blogging, brainstorming, meeting - you name it, we're ...