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February 23, 2019 in Entrepreneurship

7 Signs You’ve Reached Success Junction

PBCi Buzz_Success Junction_Success Failure Roadsign

My mother used to call it “Possibility Junction”. It’s the theoretical and sometimes rhetorical
point at which one is at a crossroads-decision. In business we find ourselves constantly
making decisions which we hope will lead down a path to success. But what is success? How
will we recognize it? I believe that there are some realizations and decisions that, regardless
of business pursuit, must be made if one hopes to achieve his or her goals.

Here are 7 Signs You’ve Reached Success Junction, a point at which you choose to succeed or stall as an entrepreneur.

1. When you realize that despite what you think, you are as good as or better than any other
entrepreneur. Among a sea of well-packaged, seemingly-unflappable and -unstoppable
professionals, it can sometimes appear that everyone “has it together” but you. This is merely
perception. Your vision and goals are just as real, just as big, and just as doable as anyone
else’s. It’s up to you what you do with them.

2. When you embrace the concept of calculated risk. Check, then double-check, and then
triple-check. If there’s any sign of possible failure, quadruple-check. So many doubts, so
much fear… then the opportunity is gone. Does this sound familiar? Risk is one of the best
parts of life, and also your business. Learn to err on the side of caution, but rally on the side
of courage.

3. When you open yourself to the idea that it’s okay to ask for help. You may be able to go it
alone, but in most cases, having great support, whether it’s an in-house team, an outsourced
team, or just a colleague willing to lend a hand, is exponentially more effective. Don’t let your
pride get in the way of delivering your best product or service (or saving your sanity).

4. When you recognize that your business thrives in at least some degrees of organization and
structure. No one’s knocking your organizational style. All I’m saying is, have one. If you
don’t already, there are plenty of methods to help you streamline and manage your business
in an efficient manner. Our PBCi Team would be glad to help! Believe me, your business will
thank you.

5. When you grasp the fact that helping others while helping yourself amplifies your success.
One of my favorite quotes is “One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth
doing is what we do for others” (Lewis Carol). Find a way to ensure that you are of being of
service and assistance to others. Not just through products and services, but with effort, time,
and love.

6. When you understand that you are your business and your business is you. Your state of
mind, your health, your outlook – they all impact your business because you ARE your
business. Our Mind, Body, & BUSINESS™ workshop series focuses on this point, and seeks to
bring resources to the table to help manage. Take care of yourself! Your business can’t thrive
without itself.

7. When you realize that being an entrepreneur will be one of the hardest, and can be one of
the most fulfilling things you will ever do. The ratio of Hard-to-Fulfilling is completely
unknown, and almost entirely up to you.

We are all a work in progress. Each of these is an indicator of growth, which allows an
entrepreneur the ability to not only see the road ahead more clearly, but also to better
navigate challenges which temporarily obstruct the path to success. Good luck on the journey
ahead! Don’t forget to pay attention to the signs

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