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May 2, 2024 in Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Goalsetting

Define Your Own Success!

PBCi Buzz_Define Your Own Success_Business Owner Standing at front door looking at tablet

You’ve seen them: stories of start-ups that were an overnight sensation. Articles and blogs are
filled with “unicorns” and other seemingly mystifying companies that opened their doors, and
went from 0 to 60 is three seconds flat. As entrepreneurs, we are bombarded with images
and advice about attaining the highest levels of accomplishment, and the “right” way to do it.
We are all chasing success – but what is it, exactly? Is it money? Fame? Neither? Both?
Define your own success!

It’s easy to compare yourself to others who “look successful”. DON’T. It can be very
destructive to use what little you can see of another’s business or life as a guide-post for your
own. Be happy for others who seem to be on the right track, but focus on making your own
goals a reality, and following your own path.

Your success looks differently than everyone else’s. We’ve brought up this point in several
other posts, but can’t stress it enough. Use your own goals as indicators of success, not
anyone else’s. Here at PBCi, one of the primary gauges of our Training, Consulting, and
Networking business is how well we’re able to help our clients attain their goals. Your business
will use a variety of its own gauges, and that’s perfectly fine. Use what works for you, and
what best serves the need of your customer.

You don’t have to be a household name. If that’s your goal, great! Just keep in mind that
there are plenty of highly successful businesses that have a strong presence and foothold in
their local town, region, or state. Again, everyone’s success looks differently. Just because
every American doesn’t know about your great company doesn’t mean you aren’t a great

Ask yourself: What would make me feel more successful? Analyze the components of your
perception of “success”. How do you get there? What things need to happen to get to your
“success point”? Create your own Success Plan – a yardstick, so to speak – and goals to attain.
Your Plan may include a mix of financial, operational, marketing, health, or other goals – it’s all up to you.

Celebrate the small and big wins. Success doesn’t always come in huge packages. Sure, it’s
wonderful to land the big contract or sign the huge client. Remember that your success plan
may include several small steps and small wins, which are just as important. It’s okay to pat
yourself on the back as you navigate your way through your master plan.

Look out for the signs that indicate opportunities for growth, and signs that you’ve hit
crucial turning points.

Success is not a race. A definite sense of urgency exists in business, especially when
competing in the marketplace. However, have you set realistic goals for the execution and
completion of your success plan? Don’t focus so much on competing that your business just
becomes a rush to the finish line.

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